Process to import/export text (silk and assembly in board)
1. take both board files in one folder.
2. take skill file same location .(example for silk :refdes_import_export_silk).
3. now go to PCB editor tool command window.
4. over there type :skill then enter.
5. after enter, type : load("") / load("") then enter.
6. after enter, type : refdesie then enter.(one dialog box will be opened for export and import).
7. after export : open final brd file.
8. now go to PCB editor tool command window.
9. type :refdesie then enter.(one dialog box will be opened for export and import).
10. one by one import and save the final brd file.
11. end.
for skill file,click on given link.➦ refdes_import_export_silk and refdes_import_export_assm
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